The Senate Just Killed Green’s Plan For A Climate Fee For Visitors. For a third consecutive year, state lawmakers have chosen to not pass a fee that would be charged mainly to tourists to better manage and protect Hawaii’s fragile environment, which remains under heavy strain from constant foot and vehicular traffic and under siege by invasive species. Civil Beat.
Hawaii Governor Appoints Dozens To Powerful Hawaii Boards And Commissions. They include the UH Board of Regents and authorities with jurisdiction over land use, public utilities, education, housing and community development. Civil Beat.
Hawaii Board Of Education To Get New Leader For The Third Time In 2 Years. The Senate is being asked to confirm seven picks for the 11-member board, including former state lawmaker Roy Takumi to replace Warren Haruki as BOE chair. Civil Beat. Star-Advertiser.
Governor Names Four To Mauna Kea Stewardship, Oversight Authority. Four appointments to the Mauna Kea Stewardship and Oversight Authority were announced by Governor Josh Green on Sunday. Big Island Video News. Big Island Now.
Rules that help set real estate agent commissions could soon change in Hawaii. A $418-million lawsuit settlement against the National Association of Realtors could lead to a drop in costs for buying and selling a home in Hawaii. KITV4.
BAC measure dies again. Legislation that would reduce the threshold for drunken driving from 0.08% blood alcohol content to 0.05% is dead for this year. Tribune-Herald.
Shaka inches closer to becoming the official state gesture. Senate Bill 3312 and its companion House Bill 2736 would establish the shaka as the first “state gesture” of the United States, in part as an effort to claim the familiar — and merchandisable — symbol for Hawaii before others get there first. Tribune-Herald.
Council delays gift ban bill for city workers. The draft measure, materializing after corruption scandals at city agencies including inside the Honolulu Police Department and the city Department of Planning and Permitting, would prohibit gifts to the mayor, prosecuting attorney, Council members, city administration officers or any person employed by the city. Star-Advertiser.
City Council opposes state bill to allow more dwelling units on residential properties. On Monday the council formally approved a resolution opposing SB3202 and its now-dead House companion bill, which would allow up to two additional dwelling units on residential properties in urban areas. Hawaii Public Radio.
Hawaii Island
Hilo gun rights advocate George Young dies at 74. George K. Young Jr., a retired U.S. Army Ranger master sergeant and Vietnam War veteran whose decade-long legal battle resulted in the feds ruling Hawaii’s counties must issue concealed-carry gun permits to law-abiding citizens, died March 19 at home in Hilo. Tribune-Herald.
Narcan vending machines pop up islandwide as Hawai‘i Island Fentanyl Task Force battles rise in opioid overdoses. For the past few years, Hawai’i County leaders and community partners have been working to get Narcan, also known as naloxone, into the hands of the public as a way to combat the growing opioid crisis and rise in fentanyl, where one fatal overdose is occurring every seven days on Hawai’i Island, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Big Island Now.
Governor to announce plan to house Lahaina survivors. Gov. Josh Green today plans to outline how he intends to house displaced Maui wildfire survivors days ahead of a rally and march by a Lahaina group to urge Green to use his emergency powers to force owners of West Maui short-term vacation rentals to house evacuees. Star-Advertiser.
$35M in federal funds to help rebuild Maui public housing. The Hawaii Public Housing Authority will receive more than $35 million in federal funding to rebuild low-income, public and senior housing that was destroyed during the Aug. 8 Maui fires. Star-Advertiser.
Sugimura requests financial analysis of proposed water source development in Kula. Council Member Yuki Lei Sugimura has requested a financial analysis of a potential water source development agreement between the County of Maui and Free Market Ventures, LLC. Maui Now.
Kaiser Permanente to open new temporary modular clinic in West Maui. A new temporary modular health clinic will open its doors in West Maui on Thursday. The clinic will be located at the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and run between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hawaii Public Radio.
Hale Halawai ‘Ohana O Hanalei to manage $7,285,000 for flood mitigation. A nonprofit organization with deep roots in the North Shore of Kaua‘i is being tasked with administering and distributing a flood mitigation grant. Garden Island. Kauai Now.
Public invited to open house at Kaua‘i District Health Office. The free event will take place on April 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the district office located at 3040 Umi St. in Līhuʻe. Kauai Now.
Trump cuts environmental justice programs at EPA, DOJ
WASHINGTON >> The Trump administration has placed on leave nearly 200
employees who work on environmental justice programs at the Environmental
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