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Years ago, while sailing off Coast Rica, I saw something so amazing, I sometimes wonder if, having seen pictures of the event, I just dreamed I saw it. But Craig was there and confirms the facts: Floating in the water, looking like so many army helmets, were thousands of olive-green turtles, ranging as far as we could see. Unknowingly, we'd sailed into an arribada.A group of environmental leaders is meeting in Honolulu this week to develop a national policy for protection of oceans and lakes.An abandoned lay gillnet recently removed from Kane'ohe Bay contained a macabre catch of the dead and dying: a 3-foot blacktip shark, slipper lobsters, uhu, kala and other reef species, and a collection of fish skeletons.The state's Environmental Council has suspended all further meetings until the state provides it with a staffer to take minutes and resources for Neighbor Island members to participate.
Preserving Kaua‘i’s natural habitats is “remarkably important,” said science and environmental blogger Jan TenBruggencate, who served as moderator for the Lihu‘e Business Association’s public forum this week.With the economy unable to sprout out of its slump, more and more people are turning to sustainable agriculture. An influx of commercial activity has clogged the streets of the popular Lanikai community and prompted some fed-up residents to seek restrictions on one of those activities: beach weddings.State Rep. Joe Bertram stands out among his straight-laced peers: He's a Hawaii legislator who wears sandals, advocates medical marijuana and same-sex civil unions.The streets were jammed and the musicians were jammin' as thousands partied, island-style, at the 16th KWXX Ho'olaule'a held Saturday night in downtown Hilo.From the air, it was a ribbon-shaped sea of pink. From the ground, it was hundreds of Big Islanders attempting a Guinness World Record to raise breast cancer awareness.A very big and costly pest has placed state lands, Hawaiian home lands, public and private watersheds, golf courses, parks, ranches, farms and home gardens under siege.

Gay & Robinson, Inc. announced Wednesday that “subject to favorable weather, the last sugar cane grown by the company will be processed by the mill in late October.”Kauai Mayor Carvalho, Jr.'s Reaction: "I can't express how saddened I am for the employees and their families and for all of Kauai to see our last remaining sugar plantation close its doors for good. Although we all knew it was coming, that doesn't make it any easier."University of Hawaii at Manoa colleges and departments are being asked to cut up to 6 percent more from their budgets because faculty labor contracts have not yet been settled.The second attempt to pass a bill that would outlaw single-use plastic bags from the Kauai’s retail establishments came up short Wednesday, but frustrated proponents said they remain resolute and confident in their ability to push it through.As coral reefs continue to die off from environmental stresses, including global warming, the Waikiki Aquarium has come up with a unique way to help preserve this pivotal part of the ocean.
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will eliminate 28 of its 178 positions as part of a new strategic plan outlined yesterday.A 17-member task force formed to help the city decide the future of the Waikiki War Memorial Natatorium remains highly divided going into its final meeting today, in which members will vote on whether the 82-year-old landmark should stay or go.
The federal government has issued a revised plan to protect the Laysan duck, the most endangered waterfowl in the country.As the Pacific Tsunami Museum looks back on its 15-year history, it is telling that the first meeting of its board of directors was canceled due to an evacuation and tsunami threat from the Kuril Islands.Economists use a bit of "alphabet soup" to create visual representations of economic downturns and recovery, says Hawaii Pacific University professor Leroy Lane.The Maui Planning Commission denied three petitions to intervene in the Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa's $250 million expansion application Tuesday.
Leaders from arts organizations across the state say the loss of 10 employees — about one-third the staff — at the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts would be a destructive move that jeopardizes not just arts programs, but the economy and education as well.It's possible to recycle nearly half of Hawaii Island's garbage, but achieving that higher diversion rate will cost taxpayers plenty, according to a $525,000 study commissioned by Hawaii County.Homeless shelters are seeing an influx of people who have lost their jobs or seen their hours cut — a trend providers warn will only get worse as job losses mount and laid-off workers exhaust their unemployment benefits and savings.A former acting Israeli prime minister will be a featured speaker at Tuesday's 6th Annual International Women's Leadership Conference hosted by Gov. Linda Lingle.Hawaii schools soon could face furlough days -- 17 Fridays with no one working at the schools or drawing a paycheck. The savings would add up to about $5 million for every furlough day.In just over a year's time, the varroa mite, an ectoparasite that feeds on honeybees, has spread from the Hilo Bay area north to Onomea and around south to Pahala, researchers say."We don't want nobody to give huhu," said ILWU business agent Wallace Ishibashi. "We agree to disagree on that issue...."If you felt the earth trembling on Oahu, that was the U.S. Air Force putting on quite a show in Hawaii's skies.
Although she expressed serious concerns and a lack of con- fidence in the state Office of Elections' ability to carry out next year's elections, the head of the Senate's money com- mittee stopped short of saying the agency's chief should be fired.A tentative agreement for public teacher furloughs could shorten the school year by as many as four weeks.A state Board of Education committee rejected a more than 100 percent increase in school bus fares yesterday, but Schools Superintendent Pat Hamamoto said she will have to look elsewhere for the money that would have been raised, and "that creates challenges."
Hawai'i's health insurance premiums grew an estimated 3.7 times faster than worker earnings during the past decade, according to a new report from a group advocating affordable health care.The state Health Department is seeking a $43,500 fine from the Chevron Hawaii Refinery for alleged water quality violations.Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. signaled his support for a stalled bill that would outlaw plastic checkout bags at retail stores across Kaua‘i, sending a letter to the Kaua‘i County Council that counters business community opposition that caused a deferral last week.
An alternative rail plan advanced by Kamehameha Schools could save money in the short-term but would create safety, traffic and other problems, according to the city.About 30 people spoke up Monday night at a special hearing on a proposed reorganization of the Hawaii County Council, with nearly as many in favor as opposed.Opponents of a County Council reorganization slightly outnumbered supporters Monday evening during a public hearing that brought several first-time testifiers to the microphone.
Maui Planning Commission members were unable to agree where to designate growth boundaries in South Maui, but they did make some progress in Kula.
Margaret Dupre says she is exercising her First Amendment right to express herself by holding psychic readings on the sidewalks of Waikiki.New figures released last week showed roughly one out of every 13 people in Hawai'i goes naked when it comes to health insurance, either not being able to afford the coverage or choosing to do without it.As the economy limps along, Hawai'i's museums are finding it tougher to meet their financial needs. They've slashed budgets by cutting hours, closing collections and laying off staff.With unemployment growing, soup kitchens statewide are overflowing with hungry residents.The Kauai Civil Defense Agency will host the annual, week-long Weapons of Mass Destruction exercise in conjunction with the Hawaii National Guard 93rd Civil Support Team.Hawaii inmates help themselves and the community by building playgroundsWith sunny skies, gentle winds and an ocean backdrop, Hilo was a good place Saturday to go swimming, have a picnic or even rail against the government.For economists, it's yet another number to add to their statistical models. But for 80 of Hokulia's 100 employees whose numbers are up, it's the loss of a paycheck and their livelihoods.Plans for a proposed Maui Regional Public Safety Complex - or jail - in Puunene are moving forward, leaders from the state Public Safety and Accounting and General Services departments said last week.“Keep out of water.” Chronically high levels of enterococcus bacteria — well above state and federally deemed safe levels — was what prompted water quality expert Dr. Carl Berg to organize efforts in permanently displaying those words on a sign near the Hanalei River at the county’s Black Pot Park.
The worst may not be over for Hawaii state workers. Governor Linda Lingle, in a videocast streamed live on the internet, delivered more grim news Thursday afternoon. She says a second round of layoffs is likely.Gov. Linda Lingle is planning another round of state worker layoffs, plus cuts to social service programs that will result in "a fundamental restructuring of state government."Gov. Linda Lingle cautioned yesterday that a second round of layoffs because of the budget deficit would require a fundamental restructuring of state government, but she would not discuss the number of state workers who could lose their jobs or other specifics.Transcript VideoThe state Board of Education last night failed to approve a proposal that would have reduced the public library system's budget by $5.7 million.State legislators have ordered Ted Liu, the embattled director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, to provide a written accounting of his decision to lay off nearly all workers in the Hawaii Film Office, which has brought about $1 billion to the state since 2001.A spike in enrollment, long-range planning and purging of low-demand courses have allowed the University of Hawaii at Hilo to avoid -- at least so far -- some of the draconian cuts happening at UH-Manoa.The state's war on invasive species may have to take a backseat to saving the struggling agriculture industry, as state officials scramble for funding in a down economyThe Bookmobile resumed service Tuesday after mechanical problems were addressed. But, because of budget cuts, service to West Maui was eliminated.
To demonstrate just how easy using wind as a clean, renewable energy source is, Smith, along with business partner Dane Eirhart, came up with an idea which they’ve been proudly parading around town in recent days.
A report by a national trans- portation research group released on Wed- nesday confirmed what most Hawaii drivers already know: roads and bridges in Hawaii are in bad shape and traffic is awful.The Lingle administration is renewing efforts to get lawmakers to approve a "holistic" and "aggressive" $4.2 billion program for highway and traffic modernization, safety and education, state Transportation Director Brennon Morioka said yesterday.U.S. Rep. Mazie Hirono joined AARPHawai‘i for a health care town hall Wednesday, and “civility, aloha and dignity” prevailed in lieu of the division, fear and fighting that has plagued similar meetings across the country this summer.The head of the state agriculture department said Wednesday she's located funds to cut in half the number of agriculture inspectors who may be laid off because of the state's budget crisis.An attempt to give Hawaii County's auditor fiscal independence faltered Tuesday when a proposed Charter amendment was postponed at the request of its author.The county's plan to sell lands seized in Hamakua for back taxes is a fire sale, community members warned the County Council Tuesday.
Weary and hungry from a meeting that ran nearly 111/2 hours, Hawaii County Council members voted to postpone their discussion on a bill that would provide greater transparency to large land sales by the county.Five County Council members went on a lobbying expedition to Honolulu in April, assuring state lawmakers they would "quickly pass" a resolution asking for a reprieve from the state's new Clean Elections Law, according to an amended lawsuit filed Tuesday by West Hawaii Today.Two 13-year-old boys were arrested after a 12-year-old girl told police Monday she was held against her will on the grounds of the Kamehameha Schools Kapalama campus from early Friday to early Monday and repeatedly sexually assaulted.Tuesday marked the first day the Maui County Parks and Recreation Department - technically - put into place controversial rules meant to free up more space at Maui's most crowded beaches.
Tourists and workers were assured Tuesday that the Maui Prince Hotel will operate continuously through foreclosure, although there will be some loss of jobs.