Monday, January 25, 2016

Full text of Gov. David Ige's State of the State address to the 2016 Hawaii Legislature

scren shot courtesy Hawaii public television
Gov. David Ige State of the State address to the Hawaii Legislature

Speaker Souki, President Kouchi, former governors, distinguished justices of the courts, representatives of our congressional delegation, members of the Hawaii State Legislature, county mayors and other elected officials, honored guests, family and friends,

Good morning and aloha.

After Alexander & Baldwin announced the end of sugar production on Maui, I visited the people who work there.  Among them was a diesel mechanic, a fourth generation plantation worker, whose family history was interwoven with the sugar plantations.

He talked with pride about his work and life, and I shared that pride in recalling my own family's life on the plantation.  I was also struck by the realization that his family’s future would forever be altered by the closure of sugar.

Like many of you here, I was saddened for those workers whose lives will be changed forever.
At the same time, I reflected on the challenges that we face moving forward.

Today, we live in a time of extraordinary change, where the past seems to have little relevance to what is happening today, let alone tomorrow.  And while the past doesn’t provide us with a precise roadmap to the future, it does give us the very things we need to find our path:  values, sensibilities and the ways in which we treat each other—with aloha.

Sugar is gone, as are many other aspects of the Hawaii we once knew.   In their place, however, there is an exciting new world beckoning us.  And that is what I want to talk about this morning—about this new world and the challenges we face as we govern—about doing things the right way to make things happen. 

It begins with being truthful.  We, in government, are obligated to be truthful, even when the truth is not easy or popular.  When we live without truth, our actions fail to pass the test of time.  Moreover, we tend to repeat our mistakes because we have not learned from them.

A few years ago, we saw the demise of the SuperFerry.  Its failure has been attributed to environmental objections and a hostile court.  But that is not exactly what happened.  The fact is the state failed to follow the law.  When we tried a legal end run, it also failed.  The point is the state should have followed the law and done the right thing in the first place.

While the circumstances are very different, we are now going through some very difficult days with the Thirty Meter Telescope.  When I visited Mauna Kea last April, I felt deeply that something was not right. 

Even though I personally believe that the telescope needs to be built, it was also clear to me that many things have gone very wrong along the way.  As a result, I have taken the time to listen to a lot of people—listening to their hopes as well as their concerns.

In its recent ruling, the Supreme Court did not say don’t do this project.  What it did say was that the state didn’t do the right things in the approval process.  It told us we needed to do a better job of listening to people and giving them a real opportunity to be heard.

The unrelenting search for truth, knowledge and understanding is an essential part of our human makeup.  It helps us become who we are. 

So does our obligation to be true to our past and cultural heritage. 

That’s why it’s so unfortunate that our past and our future have been pitted against each other on the slopes of Mauna Kea.  As Governor, I am committed to realigning our values and our actions. They are what define us as a community and allow us to move forward – proud of our past and facing our future with strength and confidence.

I am committed to pursuing this project and I hope its sponsors will stay with us.  And this time, we will listen carefully to all, reflect seriously on what we have heard and, whatever we do in the end, we will do it the right way.

Governing the right way also means managing public funds as a public trust.  That’s especially true when it comes to taking care of our debts and obligations.

The state’s obligation to the public pension and health benefit funds represent two of our biggest fixed expenses.  We need to find better ways to meet this challenge.  Their continued growth is a challenge that will remain with us for many years.  We must find ways to do better in meeting this challenge so as not to burden future generations of taxpayers. 

Last year, we changed the way in which we funded those obligations that will save hundreds of millions of dollars in the future.  In the past, the state’s contributions to the fund were made in installments that spread over 12 months.  By consolidating those contributions into a single payment at the beginning of each fiscal year, we will realize contributions or taxpayer savings of up to half a billion dollars over the next 20 years. 

Furthermore, my supplemental budget request to the Legislature includes paying 100 percent of the annual required contributions rather than 60 percent for the next two fiscal years.  If authorized, this will further save more than $300 million in required contributions over the next 20 years.

Tax Modernization Program
We’ve also been working hard to implement expenditure control policies and create fiscal initiatives such as a tax modernization program. 
While the history of the tax department’s computer programs is not a good one, the recent initiative to upgrade those programs is on time, on budget and meeting our first-year expectations.  It will take until 2018 to complete, but we are already seeing progress in the collection of the general excise and transient accommodation taxes.

Greater efficiencies have increased tax revenues and saved taxpayer dollars.  At the same time, our tax-fraud unit identified over $20 million in fraudulent claims in the last fiscal year and, so far this year, it has found another $11 million.  Let’s be clear. Stopping tax fraud is about fairness for all those who faithfully pay their share each year.

We know this work delays tax refunds and we are working hard to minimize those delays.  If you bear with us during this transition, we will soon have a system that will be better able to catch fraud, without the time, cost and work required to do so today.

Federal Funds
In some cases, the state has struggled to spend federal monies in a timely way.  This issue has vexed us for too long.  We are starting to make progress.  The Department of Transportation reduced its Fiscal Year 2015 project pipeline balance by over $100 million.  This is the largest drop in five years and is the lowest it has been since Fiscal Year 2002.

I am also pleased to announce that the Federal Environmental Protection Agency has determined that our State Department of Health is now in compliance in spending down the Drinking Water Fund.  As a result, the remaining balance totaling $8 million for Fiscal Year 2015 is being released for use locally. 

We have more work to do on this critical issue, but we are making real progress.

Bond Financing
We also know that when public funds are managed better, the cost of borrowing money decreases.  Last November we completed a $750 million state bond sale—the first for this administration—and were able to refinance some of our bonds.  This resulted in savings of about $61 million in our debt service requirement.

Because of all these initiatives, we were able to balance the state budget by last June, even though the state was projected to close the last fiscal year in the red.

Maui Public Hospitals
While we have made progress, there continues to be areas of concern.  One of these is the operation of the hospitals on our neighbor islands and in rural communities.  It is getting harder and harder for us as a state to operate these hospitals well.

We need the resources the private sector can bring to bear on the increasingly complex issues and challenges of health care.  We recently signed a historic agreement transferring the operation and management of the Maui Region health care facilities from the state to Kaiser Permanente.  There is still work ahead but this is a great step forward.  Thanks to all of you for working with us to make this happen.

In these and many other ways, we are committed to maintaining your trust—the public’s trust—and to closely mind the state’s purse strings as we prioritize and invest in the projects and programs that are long overdue.

When we govern in the right way, we conduct the people’s business WITH the community, not against it or around it or without it.  I’ve long had strong concerns about the way the redevelopment in Kakaako proceeded.  So do a lot of people who felt left out. 

We have a great opportunity to learn from past experience and do things differently going forward.  We have an immediate opportunity to get it right in Kalihi.

One of the harshest realities facing us today is that we need to tear down the Oahu Correctional Facility in Kalihi and build a new facility in Halawa.  The jail is severely overcrowded and in disrepair and we must take action.

Therefore, I am introducing a bill to move this forward. 

The facility will be designed to take advantage of all that we have learned about incarceration, and the need to give inmates a real opportunity to change their lives.  Once the correctional facility has been moved, we can take advantage of the transit-oriented development opportunities created by the rail transit system. 

In the next couple of weeks, I intend to put together a group of community leaders who will convene a series of community meetings to let Kalihi speak about what Kalihi wants and what role it will play in the future of Honolulu.

The land at Dillingham and Puuhale could be used for affordable housing, open space for recreation, commercial development and the jobs that it would bring, education and many other possibilities.  And there are other state housing and mixed-use developments in various stages of planning and development in Kalihi.

In short, this is a tremendous opportunity to reposition Kalihi for the future.
This Kalihi 21st Century initiative truly gives us the opportunity to do community planning the right way.  No one deserves this more than the people of Kalihi.

This is long overdue.

Governing in the right way is about people.  That’s why we will do what needs to be done with compassion.

Homelessness in Hawaii presents a complex and difficult issue.  On one hand, we need to ensure that our parks and sidewalks remain open and safe for all to use.  But we will do this with compassion and respect, especially when families with young children are involved.  We will be sure that shelters are available for them. 

We cannot force people into shelters, but we can do our best to help those families.  That’s why we increased funding for the Housing First effort and organized a Landlord Summit to encourage acceptance of more low-income and homeless tenants from building owners.

We are also currently in the final stages of renovating a 5,000-square-foot maintenance facility in Kakaako to house up to 240 people a year.  This facility will not be just another shelter.  Instead, it will be a Family Assessment Center that will quickly connect families to longer term housing.

An additional $8.3 million has been included in my budget for Fiscal Year 2017 to operate the Family Assessment Center, expand the Housing First Program on the neighbor islands, and establish a new Rapid Re-housing program throughout the state.

The ultimate goal of the state’s efforts to address homelessness is to make permanent housing available.

I am also pleased to announce that the state will be investing $5 million immediately to jumpstart a new public-private partnership with Aloha United Way.  It will provide direct funding for rapid re-housing, homeless prevention services and establish a statewide referral system. It will also develop long-term homeless strategies to address the needs of the most vulnerable individuals, including unaccompanied youth and those with chronic health concerns.

This initiative is expected to provide immediate relief to an estimated 1300 households.

My thanks to the Legislature, county mayors and the many community groups committed to helping homeless families and individuals throughout the state. 

Affordable Housing
You cannot talk about homelessness without talking about the major reason why it has become so widespread.  And that is the lack of affordable housing.  It is estimated that 66,000 housing units are needed in the coming years. The state alone cannot fill the gap, but the state wants to do its part.

That’s why we are working with the private sector to develop a comprehensive approach to reduce regulatory barriers, strengthen financial tools, streamline procedures and re-orient policies toward increasing housing production.  We’ve expanded our partnerships with the private sector to build more affordable homes and rentals across the state.

Last year, the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation awarded about $10 million in low-income housing tax credit and $108 million in loans and bonds to leverage over $660 million in total development costs.

This year, because of the great demand, we are seeking $75 million for the Rental Housing Revolving Fund to make more money available for low-income rentals.

But the biggest roadblock to developing more homes is the lack of adequate infrastructure that allows housing projects to even begin.  The state can make a major contribution by funding projects such as roads and water systems.

That’s why I am proposing legislation to allow us to use the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund for infrastructure development.  We are also asking for a $25-million increase to that fund in Fiscal Year 2017. 

Public Housing
We’re also thinking outside the box in renovating the state’s public housing facilities. 

The North School Street redevelopment project will be one of three Oahu public housing initiatives to enter into a public-private partnership that allows for a mixed-use/mixed income model.  Kuhio Park Terrace and Mayor Wright Homes are the other two.

These projects will redefine our concept of public housing and make it more efficient, more welcoming and more compassionate. 

With the Mayor Wright Homes, we are in the process of formulating a master development agreement with Hunt Companies that has the potential of adding additional mixed-income units.  A development agreement with the Michaels Group for phase two of Kuhio Park Terrace is also imminent, with the potential for additional affordable units.

Private Sector and County Initiatives
There are other purely private sector projects in various stages of development that will contribute thousands of additional units, including Hoopili in East Kapolei and Koa Ridge in Central Oahu.  Combined, there will be over 10,000 units coming on line in the next few years.  While that is still not enough, it is a solid beginning.

We will also need innovative help from other levels of government.  I want to thank Honolulu Mayor Caldwell and the City Council for thinking out of the box to create an “accessory dwelling unit” plan to increase rentals.

Perhaps the greatest opportunities for housing on Oahu rest with transit-oriented development.  We will be working closely with you on affordable housing initiatives in this key area.  And mahalo to Mayor Carvalho of Kauai, Mayor Arakawa of Maui, Mayor Kenoi of Hawaii Island, and their respective county councils for stepping up their island-tailored efforts to house our people.

Hawaii State Hospital
Compassion must also extend to those who struggle each day with mental health issues.  Behavioral health issues are often the underlying cause of many of our social, health and economic challenges.  In fact, mental health is the single-most pressing unmet health issue facing our state.

That’s why we’re investing $160.5 million in a new forensic mental health facility on the grounds of the State Hospital in Kaneohe.  And we’ve budgeted $4.7 million in Fiscal Year 2017 to cover projected operating deficits at the State Hospital.

No one who has ever visited these facilities would ever question the need for these improvements.  We must address the severe overcrowding as well as the safety of our state employees.  We will work with you to find ways to accelerate the design and construction of this critically needed facility.

It is long overdue.

Governing in the right way also looks to the future.  For me, our highest single obligation is to take care of our children.  The classroom is a sacred learning space, but students will fail to learn the lessons of their teachers when temperatures soar to over 100 degrees.  There is enough blame to go around.  Our children deserve better from us.

We need to cool our classrooms now, in energy-efficient ways that align with our commitment to end our dependence on imported fossil fuels.  Clean energy technology is changing rapidly and it’s becoming more efficient.  The Department of Education has already launched an energy-efficiency program called Ka Hei.  This is a start and we need to take it farther.

I am working with the DOE, other state departments, utilities and clean energy companies to cool 1,000 public school classrooms by the end of this year and thousands more each year through the end of 2018. 

We are going to get this job done.

To start, we will use $100 million of Green Energy Market Securitization funds to immediately install energy-efficiency measures and air conditioning units in classrooms where our children need it the most.  By using existing GEMS program dollars, the Department of Education and its energy-efficiency partner, OpTerra, can quickly access affordable financing for a large portion of its cost to air condition our classrooms. 

I know you share my concerns.  Let’s work together to support our kids.  You have my personal commitment that I will do all in my power to serve them.  I’ll work with anyone else who wants to do the same.

This, too, is long overdue.

Finally, good governance creates a legacy—what we leave our children.

When I look at all the things we are doing right now, I see two legacy building elements in our current budget:  They are strengthening our economic foundation and encouraging innovation.

Economic Foundations
Tourism is one of our primary economic engines, generating over $14 billion each year in visitor spending and employing nearly 150,000 workers.  It’s essential for us to maintain our global position as a leader in the industry.

To do this, we need to make travel to Hawaii as easy as possible by expanding U.S. Customs pre-clearance for international visitors, particularly from Japan.  Honolulu is the fourth largest port of entry in the United States. 

Through a CIP funding appropriation, we want to establish Kona as a second international airport, giving visitors more travel options and conveniences. 

We are also asking for funds to modernize our airports and automate the passport control system.  This will enrich the visitor experience and encourage more carriers to fly here.

Agriculture and the Environment
In agriculture, we must move more aggressively to take on threats to our homegrown resources, with the creation of the Hawaii Invasive Species Authority. 

Yes, it’s long overdue.

The authority is just part of a broader framework for sustainability in Hawaii that will connect all of our efforts in resource protection, water production and fishery restoration to support sustainable communities throughout the state. 

Maui Sugar Lands
As I noted earlier, the end of sugar production in Hawaii provides us with new opportunities.  Here is the fundamental question:  In the future when we look upward to Central Maui, will we see green productive farmlands, a fallow dust bowl or more homes for the super wealthy? 

We must learn from the failures of the past and vow not to repeat them.  Because we are running out of chances.

And so we will work steadfastly with Alexander & Baldwin and Mayor Arakawa to keep these lands in agriculture as a first priority.  This is a long-term top agenda item for everyone who loves what Hawaii stands for and where we came from as a people.

Our Military Family
The military is also a primary driver of our economy, and a very important one.  But that’s not how I want to focus on it today.

Many of us have friends and neighbors serving in the military here.   They are so much a part of us that we sometimes forget the risks and dangers that are a constant part of their lives.

We were tragically reminded of this when we lost twelve Marines recently.  I know we all grieve and pray with their families.  We were also reminded of the importance of what our military does in protecting democracy and peace in the Pacific and throughout the world. 

And so to our military members and veterans here in the chamber today—to those who we owe so much—I’d like to ask them to stand and be recognized.

The Innovation Economy
In years past, our parents were forced to confront the reality that times were changing—that the plantations could no longer drive Hawaii’s economy, and a new economic engine had to be found.

Their answer was tourism. Today, with tourism at near capacity, we face a similar dilemma.

For those who haven’t noticed, innovation, fueled by technology, is driving the global economy at breakneck speed.  We simply must create an economic environment that enables Hawaii's entrepreneurs to turn ideas into products and services so that we can compete in today's global economy. 

And we know that deploying a strong broadband capacity is critical to that kind of environment.

More importantly, innovation is not just a technological phenomenon.  It crosses all industries, including agriculture, fashion, “media and design,” clean energy, and healthcare.  And it creates good paying jobs that keep our best and brightest here where we need them.

For that reason, I am proposing we set aside $30 million over the next six years from our corporate tax revenues to support innovation enterprises.

We also need to support accelerator and venture fund activities to give talented entrepreneurs the means to create new products and services.  In addition, our investments will also help attract private money. 

My strongest personal partner in this is University of Hawaii President David Lassner.  We are members of the Islander Wonk’s Club; there’s a sign-up sheet outside.  So it’s not too late to join!

Finally, making things right to make things happen is not just a nice slogan. 

If we are truthful and act accordingly, if we value the public trust, if we govern with the people, if we are strong yet compassionate, if we take special care of our children, if we look to all of our futures, then we can more than meet the challenges we face today and tomorrow.

I began my remarks by talking about the end of sugar and the values handed down to us from our parents and grandparents who worked on those plantations.  I talked about the importance of transforming those values into action.

That takes leadership.  The kind of leadership and guidance provided by the late Ron Bright.

Ron was a teacher at Castle High School who transformed Hawaii, one student at a time, by engaging them in the performing arts.  He understood the importance of values.

His classroom was the theatrical stage where he directed generations of students in an imaginary world.  But the lessons they learned there were about life and the real world.  In his productions as artistic director of Castle’s Performing Arts Center, Ron celebrated our differences, reminded us of our common humanity and joyfully depicted life in all of its manifestations.

At this time, I’d like to recognize Ron’s family who is with us today.

Ron's total commitment to the affirmation of life through education must continue to guide us.  Today, we need only watch the news on TV to see examples of man's inhumanity to man, triggered by the fear of differences—racial, religious, national.  There are of course real dangers in the world that must be squarely met. 

But it is also true that the world is becoming a smaller place where pluralism is increasingly the rule rather than the exception.  These conditions call less for fear and hostility and more for the unyielding affirmation of diversity.  We have found a way in these islands—anchored by a remarkable host culture and the enriching waves of immigration from east and west—to value and venerate who we are. 

Many and yet one.

It is a lesson we have learned over time and it is an active pledge we must keep and live by every day.  The transcendent call from our island state to the surrounding world is that when we demean others we betray ourselves.

There is a finer, better way.  Pledge to it, make it real every day and lead the way.

Bills could ban homegrown medical marijuana, expand sit-lie ban to state lands, require helmets on mopeds; Ige to give State of the State today; grand jury probing bribery charges at Honolulu airport; Thirty Meter Telescope director ponders future; energy commissioner sought on Maui, more news from all the Hawaiian Islands

copyright 2016 All Hawaii News all rights reserved
Medical marijuana sign in Hilo © 2016 All Hawaii News
The Hawaii Legislature is heading into its first full week of the 2016 legislative session, and lawmakers are busy submitting new bills. The week will begin with an overview of the state as Gov. David Ige delivers his annual address on Monday. Associated Press.

A slew of bills concerning campaign spending, elections and open government are set for hearings in two committees Tuesday. Civil Beat.

Gov. David Ige will deliver his State of the State address Monday morning. While he’s expected to outline his vision on topics ranging from homelessness to the prison population, resistance from a frustrated Legislature could also occur. Hawaii News Now.

Governor David Ige will outline his vision and plan for a variety of issues that continue to impact the state. Maui Now.

As the state’s medical cannabis dispensary program gets underway, one lawmaker is proposing a twist — limiting purchases to dispensaries only. House Bill 1680, introduced by Oahu Democrat Rep. Marcus Oshiro, would prohibit patients from growing their own medical marijuana and instead require them to obtain it through a state-licensed dispensary. Tribune-Herald.

State Rep. Marcus Oshiro of Oahu is pushing for another way to regulate Hawaii’s medical cannabis. Specifically, the physicians who recommend it. Oshiro’s House Bill 1677 would establish a system to monitor doctors who provide medical marijuana certifications and track how many certifications they provide. Tribune-Herald.

Lawmakers are introducing a bill to require all doctors practicing in the state to treat Medicare patients. Associate Press.

A decade after Act 51 mandated that each school in the state have a school community council, it’s unclear how well the system is — or isn’t — working when it comes to giving parents and community members a voice in how schools are run. Civil Beat.

Administrators and teachers gathered at the Hawaii Convention Center Sunday for the Hawaii School Empowerment Conference that focused on what is best for the future of education in Hawaii. KHON2.

Because the University of Hawaii doesn’t have the money to make any significant dent in deferred maintenance, the costs continue to pile up. In addition to the $354 million needed for UH Manoa, another $21.5 is needed for UH Hilo and $59.2 for the system’s community colleges. Civil Beat.

Sitting and lying down on state lands in Hawaii could become illegal under a proposal in the state Legislature, and homelessness experts say they don’t know of any other state with such a ban. Associated Press.

State Sen. Lorraine Inouye will push this legislative session for at least a helmet law, safety checks statewide and a closed-toe shoe and protective jacket requirement for moped operators. West Hawaii Today.

Replacing oil with liquefied natural gas as a “bridge fuel” to generate much of the state’s electricity likely would save Hawaii billions of dollars, according to a projection from the Ulupono Initiative. Civil Beat.

Editorial: Our Beef With The Donald Trump Campaign. We work hard to be an independent, nonpartisan news operation. Even presidential candidates need to understand that. Civil Beat.

An Oahu grand jury is investigating an alleged bribery scheme involving private security guards at Honolulu Airport. Hawaii News Now.

The federal government will help Honolulu convene a group of community leaders to help tackle homelessness among new arrivals from Micronesia, Mayor Kirk Caldwell said Thursday in an interview. Hawaii News Now.

As many as 40 Navy divers, other personnel and a salvage ship from Pearl Harbor are supporting a survey of the debris fields 2 miles off Haleiwa where two helicopters apparently collided and crashed, killing 12 Marines. Star-Advertiser.

The Kobayashi Group and The MacNaughton Group have canceled plans to build the Vida at 888 Ala Moana luxury high-rise condominium project and develop a neighboring parcel that would have added a total of 500 residential units to Honolulu's growing Kakaako neighborhood, citing slow sales in recent months. Pacific Business News.

Users say the park where they skate at Ewa Beach Community Park has fallen into such disrepair that it has become difficult and sometimes impossible to skate safely over holes in the surface and cracks in the ramps. Star-Advertiser.


Despite a long wait to bolster the membership of the county Board of Ethics, the County Council on Friday postponed action on two nominees who would fill the five-member panel. West Hawaii Today.

Over objections from Kailua-Kona business interests, the Hawaii County Council agreed Friday to spend $650,000 for homeless housing in the Old Industrial Area. West Hawaii Today.

The state is about to kick off preliminary planning for a new regional public library for underserved residents in the rapidly growing Puna district. Tribune-Herald.

The executive director of the embattled Thirty Meter Telescope said Friday he wants to move forward with the project but is waiting to hear from state agencies about how to proceed after the Hawaii Supreme Court invalidated a key construction permit. Associated Press.

The future of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Hawai‘i Island’s Mauna Kea remains uncertain. Construction has been halted on the project since protests began last April. And in December, Hawaii's Supreme Court ruled the permit invalid, sending the matter back for a new contested case hearing. Hawaii Public Radio.


Maui County has begun advertising to fill the position of energy commissioner, a job that pays between $75,000 and $80,000 per year. Maui News.

A resolution to authorize the Maui County Council to hire special attorneys for second opinions in disputes with Mayor Alan Arakawa's administration was sent back to the Committee of the Whole on Friday after the proposal appeared to lack the votes for approval. Maui News.

The hearings officer in the East Maui watershed contested case is calling for the restoration of 18 million gallons of water a day to 10 streams currently being diverted mainly for Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. operations - but he did not take into consideration the impending closure of the plantation at the end of 2016. Maui News.

Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. has officially given Maui Electric Co
. notice that the plantation's Puunene Mill will no longer provide power to the island's electric grid. Maui News.

A road repair project on Kahekili Highway is pending while officials decide how best to protect a nearby burial site thought to contain multiple human remains. Maui News.

Maui Electric Company announced that it has established the Maui Electric Company Sustainability Scholarship Endowment fund through a grant from the Hawaiian Electric Industries Charitable Foundation for students enrolled in the Sustainable Science Management program at University of Hawaiʻi Maui College. Maui Now.

The Pentagon would have to decide whether a combat-ready Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai would protect either Hawaii or the mainland against a possible North Korean ballistic missile attack, because the missile defense system there would not be capable of shielding both, an East-Asia security analyst said Friday. Star-Advertiser.

There’s a new suggestion for how to regulate homestays on Kauai, and the county’s planning committee decided to defer the discussion until they could hear more details and compare the two bills. Garden Island.

Lisa McDonald, the Hanalei Elementary School principal who was removed from her post in September, will stay at the district office instead of returning to head the school, after a decision by Complex Area Superintendent Bill Arakaki. Garden Island.

Ten Syngenta employees were taken to Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital on Wednesday after walking onto a field too soon after it had been sprayed with an agricultural pesticide. Garden Island.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Breaking -- Big changes could be coming to Pacific Missile Range on Kauai

copyright 2016 All Hawaii News all rights reserved
Pacific Missile Range, Kauai © 2016 All Hawaii News
The U.S. military has stepped up discussions on converting its Aegis missile defense test site in Hawaii into a combat-ready facility that would bolster American defenses against ballistic missile attacks, according to sources familiar with the discussions. Reuters

Obama vacation costs Honolulu Police Department $341,000 in overtime, state senator seeks tax hike to pay for universal long-term care, downed Marines to be honored today, council mulls $650k for Big Island homeless, experts recommend UH Cancer center go private, Kauai police bodycam laws, more news from all the Hawaiian Islands

Associated Press photo
Obama swimming during one of his Hawaii vacations (Associated Press)
The Honolulu Police Department says it spent about $341,000 in overtime costs to help protect President Barack Obama and his family during their annual winter vacation. The department said Thursday it's the highest amount during an Obama Hawaii vacation since he was elected president in 2008. Associated Press.

State Sen. Rosalyn Baker hopes to push through a bill this year that would add a 0.5 percent surcharge to the statewide general excise tax to help cover the cost of in-home health care services for seniors and the disabled. Star-Advertiser.

Citing a “public health crisis,” a state senator wants a half-percent surcharge on the general excise tax to fund elder caregiving. Civil Beat.

A Hawaii state senator plans to reintroduce a bill that would make the Aloha State the first in the nation to offer universal long-term care to elders. Pacific Business News.

The cost of long term care in Hawai’i averages more than 10-thousand dollars a month, according to AARP.   And some lawmakers want to help. Hawaii Public Radio.

Hawaii’s economy is on a normal growth path with a slowing tourism industry, but buoyed in part by improving labor and construction markets, economists told Hawaii lawmakers Thursday. Civil Beat.

Work-related deaths in Hawaii spiked in 2014, reaching the highest level since the federal government began tracking the number in 1992. Star-Advertiser.

At least 31 people died on the job in Hawaii during 2014, according to data released Thursday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Civil Beat.

The 12 Marines killed last week when two cargo helicopters collided and crashed on the North Shore will be remembered at a memorial service today. Star-Advertiser.


External consultants are recommending the University of Hawaii strongly consider changing the struggling UH Cancer Center to a semiautonomous business entity, co-owned and run with community hospital partners, to keep the research facility viable. Star-Advertiser.

A $5 million cash infusion plan for the University of Hawaii Cancer Center is already facing opposition from some lawmakers. Hawaii News Now.

Gov. David Ige is about to tackle an issue that’s been 100 years in the making. In his State of the State address slated for Monday, the governor is expected to unveil his plans for what to do with the Oahu Community Correctional Center, the largest jail facility in Hawaii. Civil Beat.

The state’s HI-5 recycling program was meant to be an incentive to recycle. But that’s getting a lot harder to do. KHON2.

The number of Oahu neighborhoods with a median single-family home price of $1 million or higher doubled in 2015 from the year before, with year-over-year price increases that ranged from 3 percent to 37 percent, according to local market report by the Honolulu Board of Realtors. Pacific Business News.

A new monthly event organized by Common Cause Hawaii is set to debut Monday evening at Manifest with a look at why the Legislature is important and the work that state lawmakers plan to focus on this session, which opened Wednesday. Civil Beat.


Broken glass, food containers and spray paint cans are among the leavings on the excrement-smeared floor of a little building that once represented big plans to combat homelessness in Puna. West Hawaii Today.

Attorneys for the parent company of the Hawaii Tribune-Herald are seeking to overturn a judge’s decision to seal a crucial court document in the case of a state law enforcement officer accused of raping a minor girl on a Hilo beach. Tribune-Herald.

After months of inaction because it couldn’t seat enough people to vote, the county Board of Ethics is getting reinforcements. West Hawaii Today.

State health officials identified six new cases of dengue fever Thursday, bringing the total number on Hawaii island to 230. Meanwhile, an entomology team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is returning to Hawaii this week to continue working with the state Department of Health on mosquito surveillance in the Kona area. Star-Advertiser.

A consultant hired by the state has finished a draft of alternatives for improving and managing the Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park. Those plans will be up for public scrutiny and comment later this month. West Hawaii Today.

Leaders of the Thirty Meter Telescope haven't said much since construction atop Mauna Kea was halted last April. But for the first time, we now know how much the company had already spent before protests blocked construction. Hawaii News Now.

The first Kama’aina Observatory Experience tour was held this Saturday, giving Hawaii Island residents a chance to visit the summit of Mauna Kea and see the world-class telescopes operating above the clouds. Big Island Video News.

George Yokoyama says he first got the idea of a botanical garden at Rainbow Falls 20 years ago while observing the arrival of visitors from his office at the Hawaii County Economic Opportunity Council across the street. Tribune-Herald.

A pack of mutt-loving locals is mulling ways to install more public off-leash dog parks throughout the Big Island. Tribune-Herald.


Maui Republicans will hold their presidential caucus from 6 to 8 p.m. March 8 at five Maui locations and at sites on Molokai and Lanai. Maui News.

County Department of Liquor Control Deputy Director Traci Fujita Villarosa is seeking to become the next Liquor Control director, she confirmed Wednesday. Maui News.

For those of you who look over Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar’s 36,000 or so acres of Central Maui that won’t be growing sugar anymore this time next year and think that maybe we might start growing hemp on at least a portion of that land, there’s good reason to be optimistic. Really optimistic, if state Rep. Kaniela Ing, D–South Maui, gets his way. MauiTime.

Leila Hayashida, a former principal at Waihee Elementary School, has been named Central Maui complex area superintendent, the state Department of Education announced Wednesday. Maui News.

A multimillion-dollar social hall and office building project for the Portuguese Association of Maui and Maui Puerto Rican Association is expected to be completed by the end of March after a donation from a local business owner on Monday. Maui News.


It’s been nearly one month since the Kauai Police Department became the first in the state to implement body-worn cameras and legislators have taken notice. Garden Island.

Island Air is heading back to Kauai after less than a year’s absence. The state’s second-largest airline, which ceased flights to the Garden Isle in June amid a company restructuring, will restore service with six daily round-trip flights between Honolulu and Lihue on March 15. Star-Advertiser.

If you were wondering just how busy the Kauai Lifeguard Association was last year, these numbers tell a pretty good story: Garden Island.

A new law on Kauai allows enforcement officers to fine dog owners who don't control their dogs from incessant barking. KITV4.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

All eyes on the state Legislature as the 2016 session begins -- a special news compilation with links to majority and minority speeches and more

Hawaii House of Representatives
Opening day in the Hawaii Legislature, courtesy House GOP
Lawmakers launched the 2016 session of the state Legislature on Wednesday with brief speeches and little fanfare while activists staged a daylong rally in the Capitol courtyard to draw attention to issues ranging from pesticides and genetically modified foods to the Thirty Meter Telescope and Hawaiian sovereignty. Star-Advertiser.

Leaders in the Hawaii Legislature moved beyond generalities on housing, homelessness and fiscal order to identify specific priorities in their opening-day speeches Wednesday. Leaders called for converting commercial leasehold lands to direct ownership, building a methane biodigester on Maui and giving a bigger slice of the hotel tax to counties, among other ideas.  Civil Beat.

The State Legislature convened today for the 2016 session. Hawaii Public Radio.

Homelessness and affordable housing will be key topics as the Hawaii Legislature begins its 2016 session, with Democrats and Republicans emphasizing the need for action. The House and Senate began their legislative session Wednesday, talking about the need to create a more economically viable community. Associated Press.

State lawmakers laid out their top priorities Wednesday morning as the 2016 legislative session was called to order. Hawaii News Now.

Singing and chanting outside the State Capitol marked opening day for the 2016 legislative session. Both the House and Senate have their own agendas this year, which include health care, education, and homelessness. KHON2.

Hawaii House Speaker Joe Souki plans to introduce a bill that would consider the conversion of commercial leasehold lands to fee simple ownership as a way to slow the closure of many small businesses because of the rise of leasehold rents in recent years. Pacific Business News.

Senate President Ron Kouchi expressed his desire to address quality health care in rural areas on neighbor islands in his opening speech of the 28th Legislative Session. Associated Press.

Lawmakers moonlight as attorneys, consultants, farmers. Star-Advertiser.

Who’s Who: The State of Hawaii 2016 Legislature. Star-Advertiser.

An East Hawaii lawmaker was absent from opening day of the 2016 legislative session and will remain out until further notice, his family says. State Sen. Gil Kahele, a Democrat who represents Hilo, checked into The Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu on Monday to address medical issues and undergo testing. Tribune-Herald.

Speaker Joseph M. Souki 2016 Opening Day Remarks. Hawaii Majority House blog.

House Minority Leader's Opening Day Speech Jan 20, 2016. House Minority blog.

Members of the Hawai‘i State Senate began the 2016 Legislative Session with a renewed commitment to create a better life for those who call these islands home. Senate Majority blog.

Senate Minority Opening Day Remarks. 28th State Legislature, 2016. Senate Minority blog.

Hawaii state Legislature website.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homelessness the focus as Hawaii legislative session begins today, search suspended for 12 Marines lost in crash, 26 sue Kamehameha Schools over sex abuse by psychiatrist, Supreme Court allows Native Hawaiian convention, court axes Maui water permits, Kona group seeks fishing ban, more news from all the Hawaiian Islands

copyright 2016 All Hawaii News all rights reserved
Honolulu homeless © 2016 All Hawaii News
Gov. David Ige is asking the Legislature for nearly $11 million this session to finance an array of homeless programs. Civil Beat.

Hawaii lawmakers are gearing up to tackle homelessness and affordable housing in the upcoming legislative session. Garden Island.

State lawmakers gather today for the 2016 legislative session, with the House and Senate convening at 10 a.m. at the state Capitol for what lawmakers say will be subdued opening-day proceedings. Star-Advertiser.

As in recent sessions, opening day of the 2016 Hawaii Legislature will be a “scaled back” occasion. It reflects the legislative branch’s focus on keeping spending and celebration under control in favor of attending to the business of the people. Civil Beat.

With the end-of-session Senate shakeup last May, power was consolidated among the members of the factions that supported Ron Kouchi to be the new president. Now, as attention turns to the start of the 2016 session Wednesday, there are concerns that too few have too much control over what legislation might advance in the 25-member chamber. Civil Beat.

The Grassroot Institute of Hawai’i hosted a panel discussion on the State Budget Tuesday, one day before the Legislature convenes for its 2016 session. Hawaii Public Radio.

The chairs of three committees in the Hawaii House of Representatives were accepting campaign contributions at MW Restaurant Tuesday night. Civil Beat.

The Native Hawaiian self-governance convention planned for next month cleared a legal hurdle Tuesday when the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an attempt to hold convention organizers in contempt of court. Star-Advertiser.

Vinegar and hot water really do work on jellyfish stings, according to University of Hawaii-Manoa researchers, while a popular home remedy — urinating on them — is no better than splashing on seawater.Star-Advertiser.


The Coast Guard suspended its search Tuesday evening for 12 missing Marines off Oahu after no survivors were found during five days of continuous searching in the aftermath of a two-helicopter crash. Star-Advertiser.

Officials Tuesday suspended the massive search for 12 Marines who were aboard two helicopters that crashed off Hawaii last week. Associated Press.

The massive, multi-agency search for 12 Marines missing after two choppers collided off Oahu’s North Shore late Thursday has been suspended, with no survivors found. Hawaii News Now.

The U.S. Coast Guard announced Tuesday that at sunset, crews suspended the active search for 12 Marines missing after Thursday night’s double helicopter crash off the North Shore. KHON2.


Twenty-six men — 24 former Kamehameha Schools students and two from other schools — alleged in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that as children they were systematically sexually abused and prescribed inappropriate prescription drugs by Kamehameha’s psychiatrist, who shot himself to death in 1991 when confronted by the allegations. Star-Advertiser.

Twenty-six former students alleged in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that they were repeatedly sexually abused by a now-deceased psychiatrist at a private school for Native Hawaiians. Associated Press.

Former Kamehameha Schools students filed a molestation lawsuit Tuesday morning against the school. KITV4.


The Roman Catholic Church in Hawaii is suing a local insurance company, alleging that the insurer won’t cover settlements arising from scores of past sexual abuses cases in the islands. Civil Beat.

Hawaii Gov. David Ige recently said the crumbling sewage system is the main contributor to Hawaii’s housing development problem, but the City and County of Honolulu's Department of Environmental Services thinks this claim is unfair. However, while the city is spending $5.2 billion on upgrading the Oahu's sewage system, the money is not going toward expanding capacity. Pacific Business News.

What led a former Honolulu mayor and city prosecuting attorney to enter Hawaii’s burgeoning medical marijuana industry? Civil Beat.

Hawaiian Electric Co. and the U.S. Department of Energy said Tuesday they will invest a combined $4.8 million in a research project to look into how to increase rooftop solar and energy storage on Hawaii’s grid. Star-Advertiser.

The use of liquefied natural gas as a replacement for oil would have saved Oahu electric utility customers $132 million in fuel costs, according to an 18-month study commissioned by Hawaii Gas that was released on Tuesday. Pacific Business News.

Hawaii Gas Promises To Save Us $1.3 Billion — If Only We Let Them As the gas company prepares to announce a possible liquid natural gas partner, it touts an analysis claiming big savings if Hawaii switches from oil to LNG to fuel power plants. Civil Beat.

If a local marine stewardship group prevails, a stretch of North Kona shoreline will be put off limits to most fishing for the next decade under a plan to create a new marine reserve at Kaupulehu. West Hawaii Today.

Keauhou aquifer resolution could be a long time coming. West Hawaii Today.

A Hawaii County Councilman tried reaching deeper into social media to find support for his state Senate run. Greggor Ilagan was asking people on Tinder, the mobile dating app, to help him win a seat this fall to represent Puna. Civil Beat.

Researchers at the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources are working with local growers to combat an introduced insect that damages macadamia trees. Tribune-Herald.

After a four-minute public hearing Tuesday attended by no one from the public, Hawaii County adopted new rules governing drug testing of successful job applicants. West Hawaii Today.


An Oahu judge has invalidated state water diversion permits to Alexander & Baldwin for its waning Maui sugar operations in a ruling that a member of the plaintiff's group called "a historic victory." The permits have been extended annually for 13 years without an official environmental review. Maui News.

An Oahu judge has invalidated a state practice of issuing permits to Alexander & Baldwin to divert millions of gallons of irrigation water daily from streams for its Maui sugar operations. Hawaii News Now.

"Challenging Global Impacts of the Agrochemical Industry: 2016 Food Justice Summit" and its international group of speakers addressed a packed house at McCoy Theater at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center on Saturday night. Maui News.


With today’s opening of the Hawaii State 2016 legislative session, county officials are setting their sights on reclaiming what they say is their fair share of the transient accommodations tax. Mike White, chairman of the Maui County Council, recently presented his research on the recent developments on the TAT to the Kauai County Council. Garden Island.

While Kauai’s legislators have been solidifying goals and gearing up for the session, community leaders and residents have been formulating their own ideas on what should be paramount on the list of issues to tackle. Garden Island.

Ground is being broken for the Timbers Kauai Ocean Club and residences, a $140 million project which will cover nearly 20 acres overlooking Nawiliwili Bay. Garden Island.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Ige job approval at 48 percent, one year into office; homelessness big issue as legislative session begins Wednesday; no indication 12 Marines used life rafts but were wearing special gear; feral parakeets damage crops; Molokai ferry suffering from cutbacks; aerial hunting begins on Maui; more news from all the Hawaiian Islands

copyright 2016 All Hawaii News all rights reserved
Gov. David Ige © 2016 All Hawaii News
About half of Hawaii voters have a favorable impression of Democratic Gov. David Ige, but just one year into his administration, a significant chunk of people say he is not doing a good job. A statewide survey of registered Hawaii voters found that 48 percent approve of the job Ige is doing, while 41 percent disapprove. Star-Advertiser.

Hawaii’s rampant homelessness clearly has the attention of island voters who aren’t pleased with how Gov. David Ige is handling the crisis, according to the latest Hawaii Poll. The poll found that 56 percent of registered voters statewide say Ige is not doing a good job on homelessness, while 34 percent approve of his handling of the crisis. Star-Advertiser.

Rep. Gene Ward, a Republican representing Hawaii Kai in the state House, is urging his colleagues to oppose the position of House leadership and Gov. David Ige regarding payments to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Civil Beat.

The list of entities interested in becoming charter school authorizers in Hawaii is growing, as the state Board of Education prepares to weigh in on the increasingly contentious relationship between charter schools and the commission created in 2012 to oversee them. Civil Beat.

With the GOP presidential nomination still up for grabs, some say Hawaii's Republican Party could wind up having a greater say in who gets the nod. Hawaii News Now.


Military personnel were working around the clock Monday, still on the search for the 12 missing Marines off Oahu's north shore. Recently three of four life rafts that were aboard the aircrafts were retrieved -- but the outcome is the same -- no survivors spotted. KITV4.

The 12 Marines missing after two choppers crashed off Oahu were wearing sophisticated life-saving gear that's being factored into how long officials think they can survive in the open ocean. Hawaii News Now.

All four life rafts confirmed to be aboard the two aircraft have been recovered. There is no indication from the sightings that any survivors have been aboard any of the life rafts. KHON2.


People living in Hawaii, California and New York are the most likely to live paycheck-to-paycheck, even though the states have among the highest income levels. Star-Advertiser.

No one in Hawaii seems to have calculated the combined direct and indirect costs of all energy consumption for island farmers. But Matthew Loke, a visiting researcher at UH-Manoa’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, cited data from the 2012 Agricultural Census indicating that direct energy costs made up 9.3 percent of farm production costs in Hawaii. Civil Beat.

Rising parakeet population imperils farms, native plants. Associated Press.

Three Hawaii hotels on Maui and the Big Island retained their Five Diamond rating from AAA on the organization’s 2016 list of the 118 hotels that have earned the rating, including six hotels that earned the rating for the first time this year. Pacific Business News.


A new Hawaii Poll done in December and earlier this month shows Oahu voters are most concerned now with homelessness, the city’s rail project, the economy and traffic, in that order. Star-Advertiser.

Enforcement of city codes to crack down on illegal vacation rentals on Oahu will escalate with the hiring this month of five inspectors to form a unit tasked with investigating housing and zoning code violations. Star-Advertiser.

A number of Honolulu-based high-tech startup companies opened their doors last week to attendees from the 2nd annual East Meets West Conference. Hawaii Public Radio.

A local nonprofit is seeking a special liquor license for Queen’s Beach in Waikiki to speed up possible approval for a National Football League event slated for Jan. 29-30. Star-Advertiser.


As they prepare for the regular legislative session that starts Wednesday, state lawmakers representing West Hawaii are balancing their priorities between statewide and local issues. West Hawaii Today.

The 2016 legislative session doesn’t begin until Wednesday, but a couple of East Hawaii lawmakers appear to be getting a head start. Tribune-Herald.

As Hawaii Island’s dengue fever outbreak marches on, some isle residents have been critical of efforts by state and county agencies to contain the mosquito-borne virus. Tribune-Herald.


Public access to some state forest reserves and natural area reserves on Maui will be restricted while the state conducts aerial shooting to control populations of feral cattle, pigs, goats and deer. Maui News.


The final version of a plan to manage the monk seal population in the Hawaiian Islands has been released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, but officials on Kauai have been using many of the strategies outlined in the plan for years. Garden Island.

Kauai County is looking at solidifying rules as enforcement officials shut down transient vacation rentals operating illegally. Six illegally operating single-family transient vacation rentals have been closed outside the visitor destination area so far this year. In fiscal year 2015, officials shut down 71. Associated Press.


Since the Molokai ferry began cutting its routes last September, the athletes and local commuters who once rode the boat now have mostly turned to air travel. Maui News.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Marines still hold hope for survivors following collision of helicopters carrying 12; Hillary Clinton, Duke Aiona, Thirty Meter Telescope, Honolulu rail tops in polls; Maui mulls private electric utility; Kauai recycling challenged, Banyan Drive redevelopment plans; more news from all the Hawaiian Islands

copyright 2016 All Hawaii News all rights reserved
Window washers at Hawaii Convention Center © 2016 All Hawaii News
Over the past two decades taxpayers have paid about $450 million toward the cost of the Hawai‘i Convention Center, but lawmakers were told last week the Hawaii Tourism Authority still owes almost as much for the center as when the state first started paying for it in 1995. Star-Advertiser.

The search continues for 12 missing marines after two military helicopters crashed late Thursday off O‘ahu’s north shore. Coast Guard Captain Jim Jenkins said there are no plans to call off the mission and still believes there’s hope for survivors. Hawaii Public Radio.

The search for 12 Marines who were on board two helicopters that collided off Oahu's North Shore has entered its fourth day on Monday, with rescuers scouring a widening search area in hopes of finding survivors.  Hawaii News Now.

The ongoing search for 12 Marines who are missing after two helicopters crashed off Hawaii entered the third day with no plans Sunday to call off or suspend the massive effort, the Coast Guard said. Associated Press.

Federal, state, and county officials are searching for a third day today for 12 Marines who are missing after the two helicopters they were in crashed off Oahu. Star-Advertiser.

Far beyond Hawaii's shores, family and friends of the Marines refuse to give up hope. KITV4.


Creating more affordable housing, helping the homeless and seeking greater fiscal accountability top the Legislature’s 2016 agenda.  On Friday, House and Senate leaders provided more details of their agenda this session. Civil Beat.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is clearly the most popular candidate for president among Hawaii voters early in the 2016 election season, with 35 percent of those surveyed saying they would cast their ballot for her if the election were held today, according to a new Hawaii Poll. Star-Advertiser.

A substantial majority of Hawaii residents supports the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope, while a plurality opposes a convention that aims to form a Native Hawaiian government. But it’s a different story for Native Hawaiians, most of whom oppose the telescope while a narrow majority supports the Na‘i Aupuni convention, or aha. Star-Advertiser.

A state legislator is taking issue with comments made at a legislative hearing Wednesday by a top state land department official that implied the agency’s law enforcement officers need semi-automatic weapons to guard against fishermen from the Philippines and Indonesia working in local waters who may be Muslim. Civil Beat.

Opposition to NextEra Energy Inc.’s proposed $4.3 billion purchase of Hawaiian Electric Industries is growing among Hawaii residents, according to the latest Hawaii Poll. Star-Advertiser.

More people are working in Hawaii than ever before, and the additional income being generated is keeping card machines whirling. Star-Advertiser.

The final quarter of 2015 was the 24th consecutive quarter of growth in credit and debit sale transactions in Hawaii, meaning sales in the state were up 7 percent for the year, according to First Hawaiian Bank’s Business Activity Report. Pacific Business News.

Commentary: Bishop Museum is selling off land. HC&S is ending sugar operations. The University of Hawaii is shelving plans for a building in Sen. Dan Inouye’s honor. More stark reminders of what Hawaii is like without Inouye. Star-Advertiser.


Former Hawaii Lt. Gov. James “Duke” Aiona insists he has not made up his mind about running for Honolulu mayor, but the latest Hawaii Poll may give him encouragement. Aiona, who on Friday acknowledged that he is considering a run, came out on top in a three-way poll question asking registered voters whom they’d select as mayor if the election were to occur today, beating out incumbent Kirk Caldwell and the second-most powerful person at Honolulu Hale, City Council Chairman Ernie Martin. Star-Advertiser.

With nearly 300 concrete columns planted firmly in the ground from East Kapolei through Central Oahu and nearly six miles of guideway built on top of them, most Oahu residents now say they think rail construction should proceed, the latest Hawaii Poll shows. Star-Advertiser.

Mayor Kirk Caldwell is scheduled to leave tonight to attend the United States Conference of Mayors annual winter meeting in Washington, D.C. and to meet with federal officials on homelessness and the Honolulu rail project. Star-Advertiser.

Honolulu voters might have the chance to enact meaningful police reform when they cast their ballots this November. On Friday, the Honolulu Charter Commission was supposed to make decisions on several measures that would toughen up police oversight in the city. Civil Beat.


Candidates can start pulling papers for this year’s election in just two weeks, but who plans to run for the county’s most important seat is still a big question mark. West Hawaii Today.

A few thousand dollars here, a few thousand there. Pretty soon it starts to add up. In the case of a special County Council fund for contingencies, it adds up to $900,000. Each council member at the beginning of the fiscal year received $100,000. West Hawaii Today.

Hawaii County Planning Director Duane Kanuha announced the state and local governments have entered into a cooperative agreement that will enact a Banyan Drive redevelopment agency, similar to the Hawaii Redevelopment Agency that helped Hilo recover following the 1960 tsunami. Big Island Video News.

Hawaii County is looking to take the wheel on revitalizing Hilo’s beleaguered Banyan Drive with a new planning agency that could largely take over the state’s role in overseeing leases and development on the Waiakea Peninsula. Tribune-Herald.

Access to Waipio Valley could remain restricted for 8-12 weeks even after no new cases of dengue fever have been confirmed in the area, according to Hawaii County Civil Defense officials. Tribune-Herald.

A state-funded project to upgrade the Big Island’s largest port facility has reached its final phase. On Friday morning, state Department of Transportation officials and lawmakers broke ground on the interisland cargo terminal of Hilo Harbor’s Pier 4 project. Tribune-Herald.

The Hawaii state Office of Aerospace Development is anticipating that environmental assessment for Kona International Airport will be completed in the coming weeks. Pacific Business News.

Torrential summer rains knocked out construction work for several weeks, and the discovery of shabby fill material on Highway 11 sent a 500-foot retaining wall back to the drawing board to the tune of $900,000. West Hawaii Today.


Homelessness, energy, public school infrastructure needs - such as cooling hot classrooms - the economy, health care issues, penal reform and perhaps even a statewide lottery are among top issues expected to confront Maui County's state lawmakers in this year's lawmaking session that kicks off Wednesday. Maui News.

An independent operator should run Maui County’s power utility — not Hawaiian Electric, according to a study of utility ownership models released on January 15. Civil Beat.

A consultant hired by the administration of Mayor Alan Arakawa recommended that Maui County seek a new private entity to oversee Maui's electric grid while leaving power generation and transmission in the hands of Maui Electric Co. Maui News.

The owner of a plantation on Maui who is looking to turn the property into a development with small businesses and more than 1,400 homes expects for the project's environmental impact statement to be submitted for review this week. Hawaii News Now.

The developer of Waikapu Country Town, a development of more than 1,000 homes and acres of farmland surrounding the Maui Tropical Plantation, expects to submit the project's draft environmental impact statement to the state Land Use Commission this week. Maui News.

With approval for the site plan in hand and many procedural hurdles already cleared, the physical work on West Maui's long-awaited hospital is soon to begin. Maui News.


Citing rising costs and inadequate funding, Reynolds Recycling is making cuts around the island. Garden Island.

The seawall fronting the Pono Kai Resort in Kapaa has been dedicated — below budget and ahead of schedule. Garden Island.

Incoming ninth-graders and their parents got a surprise recently when they learned advanced classes will not be offered at Kapaa High School next year. Garden Island.