Thursday, January 3, 2019

Nude photos link Big Island firefighter to Honolulu deputy prosecutor's phone, lobbyist first to get medical aid in dying prescription, Honolulu Council in disarray, more news from all the Hawaiian Islands

Jesse Ebersole, Katherine Kealoha
Feds recover nude photos on Kealoha’s phone. When Hawaii County firefighter Jesse Ebersole pleaded guilty last July to lying about his relationship with former deputy prosecutor Katherine Kealoha, the federal prosecutor said investigators found Ebersole’s name on some of Kealoha’s credit card charges and had records of phone conversations between the two. Star-Advertiser.

Evidence of affair between Katherine Kealoha and firefighter included sexually explicit photos. The affair between ex-police chief Louis Kealoha’s wife and a Big Island firefighter was already one of the more salacious aspects of the ongoing case against the Kealohas. Hawaii News Now.


He Fought For Hawaii’s Aid In Dying Law. Now He Wants To Use it. Prominent Honolulu lobbyist John Radcliffe, whose colon cancer has spread, became the first state resident Wednesday to start the application process. Civil Beat.

John Radcliffe became the first Hawaii patient with terminal cancer to request a lethal prescription to end his life under the state’s new medical- aid-in-dying law. Star-Advertiser.

Cancer patient John Radcliffe poised to be come first to use medical aid-in-dying law. KHON2.

Terminal cancer patient and medical aid-in-dying advocate John Radcliffe, today went on record as Hawaii’s first individual to request a prescription for aid-in-dying medication under a new law that took effect on Jan. 1. Maui Now.

It’s now law, but ‘Death With Dignity' still faces opposition while supporters push for acceptance. The day after Hawaii’s ‘Our Care, Our Choice Act' went into effect, supporters of the controversial medical aid in dying law said they’re making progress in getting hospitals to honor patients’ end of life decisions. Hawaii News Now.

Medical-aid-in-dying law gets a web page. State DOH sets up site to answer questions, provide required forms. Maui News.


Masagatani, Aila Retained To Lead Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Governor David Ige on Wednesday announced that he is reappointing the director and deputy at Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Big Island Video News.

A Hawaii delegation recently returned from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poland. Despite President Trump’s announcement to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, Hawaii and 16 other states committed to abide it. Hawaii Public Radio.

The Hawaii Attorney General is opposing a change that a 92-year-old Native Hawaiian princess has made to her trust to ensure her wife receives $40 million and all her personal property. Associated Press.

The state is looking for information on how to operate housing programs over the next 20 years. To gather data, the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation will be calling homeowners and conducting phone surveys for the Hawaii Housing Planning Study. Hawaii News Now.

Southwest Airlines has moved one step closer to starting its long-promised service from the Mainland to Hawaii. Pacific Business News.


Council delays picking leaders, assignments and schedule. The turmoil is caused by legal challenges against the election of Trevor Ozawa, who won re-election to the Council District 4 seat by beating former state Rep. Tommy Waters by 22 votes. Star-Advertiser.

Most of Honolulu’s city council has been sworn in, but one seat is still open (technically). That's because the Hawaii Supreme Court is still reviewing Trevor Ozawa's 22-vote victory over opponent Tommy Waters. Hawaii News Now.

City Council meeting in recess, Supreme Court issues another order. District 4, from Hawaii Kai to Ala Moana Beach Park, will have to wait longer for a City Council representative. The Supreme Court issued another order Wednesday that gives election challengers more time. KHON2.


Honolulu Councilwoman Carol Fukunaga wants to crack down on people who abandon their cars on Oahu, but city officials say her proposed solution wouldn’t work. Civil Beat.

Honolulu police and prosecutors declined to press charges against Bobby Curran following the local sports broadcaster’s Dec. 27 arrest for allegedly assaulting his 15-year-old son. Star-Advertiser.

The Ritz-Carlton’s ocean-facing skyscrapers are glaring bright all night, every night. For more than two years, the residents of the Four Paddle condominiums on Kuhio Avenue have been blinded by the light. Civil Beat.

One project that will get more attention in the new year in Honolulu is a plan to build a bridge over the Ala Wai canal. The proposal would include room for pedestrians and for cyclists, but not for cars. Hawaii Public Radio.

It was business as usual for most federally funded tourist attractions in Hawaii Wednesday despite the partial government shutdown continuing for the 12th day. Star-Advertiser.

Hawaii Island

The Leilani Estates Community Association plans to drop its lawsuit against Hawaii County over control of Leilani Avenue. Tribune-Herald.

Big Island residents have the opportunity to participate in a series of training courses later this month to assist the county in responding to emergencies, in case 2019 proves as turbulent as 2018. Tribune-Herald.

Public access lacking – Kaupulehu project coming to County Council. It’s taken 20 years to get this far, but full build-out of the 1,079-acre Kaupulehu project in North Kona may need 20 more. West Hawaii Today.


During the first half of fiscal year 2019, the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development issued more than $9 million in grant funds to various local organizations. Maui Now.

Kapalua Golf's Plantation Course on Maui, which regularly ranks as one of the best golf courses in the world, will temporarily close on Feb. 11 to undergo a multimillion-dollar enhancement project aimed at revitalizing the 27-year-old sports facility. Pacific Business News.


Recent rains didn’t damage or delay the rebuilding project on Kahiliholo Road and the project is on schedule, according to county officials. Garden Island.

State officials are gearing up to extend trial pig hunting on Nounou Mountain (Sleeping Giant) after a six-month trial hunt yielded 13 harvests, and more archers are signing up. Garden Island.


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